Which airports have two runways

Do any airport have 3 runways?

Which have 2?

Would make for faster in/out and collect wollars

2 RWY - 1 for landing and one for Take off: LHR, IAD
2 RWY - Both for landing and take off: MCT, LEJ
2 RWY - 1 for landing and 2 for take off: SYD

3 RWY - 3 for landing and 2 for take off: BKK

4 RWY - Soon IAD with the remodel, but it is not yet known how the RWY’s will be divided. Maybe 2 for landing and 2 for take off

Yes, it has an influence on the income.

At some airports, the ratio of landings to handling is 1:1 and the airport looks empty, but at BKK and LEJ, for example, you don’t have enough staff to handle all the aircraft directly, which makes the airport look busy and realistic


That’s why I love BKK, and I just finished one contract with KrankenwartAirways. Really efficient airports, fast

For those who haven’t seen it yet, here’s an updated list.

2 RWY - 1 for landing and one for Take off: LHR
2 RWY - Both for landing and take off: MCT, LEJ
2 RWY - 1 for landing and 2 for take off: SYD, MSY

3 RWY - 3 for landing and 2 for take off: BKK

4 RWY - 3 for landing and 3 for take off: IAD