Why aren't the finished A320 liveries included in New Content?

Probs about 3 weeks assuming a typical update cycle, given that the a19n is just one of 8 major variants releasing this update.

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Unlikely, there going to be releasing all the 320 family member included the already hype A321 and NEO my guess is July or August it will be released

No. There’s no basis to think that and the devs said late may in the dev chat.

Devs said late may in the dev chat

I don’t believe them, considering that there’s 150 plus Liverys with them on top of redoing all the liverys that we currently have in game, and on top of that it’s May and it’s the start of the summer Holiday season and some Devs need to have a summer holiday, it fair to say that it not late May, July or August is my guess and I will be sticking with it, end of

Images: get posted
Forum: begins to make theories as to when it will release

I do love watching this unfold every time new content is added :joy:


My reaction to this…

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What it’s only the the A19N?

I’m quite concerned you spent the time making that :joy:


Any idea when we’ll see the next dev blog?

I’d imagine the rest will be added over time like the 787s and A350s were, and based on A320 family operators the A19N is the least used in terms of livery variety, so makes sense post that one first


Soon, likely in the next week or so

The liveries are mostly done…? It’s not like they are just starting making liveries?

Devs: give a rough time period, release liveries on time, repeatedly make announcements confirming that they are on track, etc

Eco aviation: ima be my usual two year old self and insist that it’s simply not possible to release, not just on time like they insist they are, or even a few weeks late or something, but rather until TWO FULL MONTHS from now. And likely three. And also I’m right, end of discussion

You better give up your negative criticism and downright rude behaviour, you tagged me twice about it and is starting to bring shame on the forums. Like I said that’s an estimate and I can guess when it going to be released, like I said DO NOT try to dictate the forums like that ever again.

Let’s not start this again guys. To be fair, there wasn’t really any point to making that meme. All thatflyerguy was doing was repeating what the devs said. We all know that it’s a big project and it might change.


@Thatflyerguy and @Ecoaviation, please take this dispute somewhere else instead of making the rest of us read your argument.


I give up… It just keeps getting worse now

Remember, while opinions can be different, we pride ourselves on a level of discussion in this forum that impressively most stick to.
However, having seen the recent postings. Had to hand out 2 timeouts. (silencing in this forum).
It goes against your record for 6 months.
So don’t be that person. We don’t have time to play referee generally. So let’s not start ok…
We are better than this…


Going back to the topic of the released A19N liveries:
I like the looks of 'em. Especially the black ‘eyeliner’ around the cockpit. The only thing left I’d like is to have the ability to turn it off so I can make some retro liveries.