Won’t let me open up airports. Connectivity issues

Keep trying to use golden planes to purchase IAD but keeps saying connection issues. And app goes to home screen


Deleted app and reinstall. Happened to me twice yesterday with Prague.

Do you keep progress? I know some apps regardless delete everything

Yes. The game centre will remember who you are.

Gotcha, just seems off that I can play INN with connection but when I try to get IAD all of a sudden I have problems connecting

Yes I had the same problem yesterday. I was able to plan INN and Bari but not Prague.

Ok, no stress😂 just started playing yesterday, came from unmatched air traffic and that kept crashing a well so I thought I’d try something new. Just want to be able to play IAD since it’s near home

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So i deleted and reinstalled and it still won’t let me purchase IAD. So I’m confused how I have good enough connection to get on the app and play INN but not be able to get IAD

So the reason it won’t let you do that is because you don’t own any large planes at that airport.

These planes have gas mileage just like real planes. And you can’t send a medium or small sized plane across the Atlantic and have it make it there. I’m assuming you mean purchasing routes for your fleet yes?

No no, I want to purchase IAD. I want to use that airport

So no actual help?