2.2 Update Feedback

First off - a huge thank you to the devs for 2 great updates in one month! A few notes of feedback:


I like this new version of WoApedia a lot more than the old one in 1.5.5 and before. The Pokédex mechanic is a nice change. But… it feels useless. There’s a nice leaderboard, sure, but really there isn’t much reason to pursue this outside of completionism. I would love it if there were minor rewards (free plane redeems, SP, GP, etc for completing these.


What a great airport… but there are a ton of visual bugs here. Thank you for making sure this releases and is not delayed, but I hope the visual bugs are addressed in short order. After how nearly perfect SXM was, it’s a little jarring to look at.

In addition, LHR has a massive maintenance tarmac area. I’d love to see this implemented into the game (and at other airports that have it). Would be great for planes to not take up hanger space, and to also not have all this extra space going untilized.

Overall, it’s a really solid update. Hopefully that what has occurred this month is a sign of things to come! Cheers!


That’s why it looks familiar.

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Someone in Fire Brigade didn’t get the memo, but I agree great addition especially as it’s not far from me.


One other note:

The 2D View is really hard to use as the plane alignment lines / stand bounding boxes don’t appear as they do in other airports. This makes it quite a pain to tell what stands we have and organize where we are sending them.

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Here’s my two cents:

  1. The radio transmission is still buggy, it keeps reading numbers from 1 to 100 for some odd reason.

  2. Assigning handling crew: instead of keep on tapping to increase the the number of crew members, is it possible to replace it with a slider or allow to long press the plus sign increase the number. Also, please get rid of the double confirm. Pressing once to confirm is good enough :joy:


These generally happen when a new airport is out.

Just give devs some time. I know they are doing things quicker than we originally anticipated, like the purple bus glitch in last version.

Now I still have to spend some time on SXM so I think everything will be fixed when I reach LHR…


I don’t mind the double clicking as soon as it goes green that’s it never do full ramp agents unless it’s player contract.

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On the live stream, they said they were going to look at the clicking levels for handlers.
The confirm is there because previously people were concerned about spending stuff W/SP and GP with one click, so I doubt that’s going to change

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I’ve reported 1. To the devs, they said they would look in to it

Gotta’ handle them all!

I agree. It would be nice to see the planes we didn’t handle yet and to see from which destinations each plane is available from (like in the 1.5 woapedia) and maybe even show the potential rewards (by allowing us to choose a reference player airport & destination). This would save time looking for map contracts which would be a huge help since the game doesn’t pause while looking for them.

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Would be a great togglable setting. Especially for all of us who do max handling and ramp agent on every plane.

they have committed to something like that I believe

Can you check out the we should do this forum it’s something I think you should create

Not happening any time soon. We don’t need a separate one for WOAPedia when they go to the airports anyway and most of the time they are better shots.

In the future, in the improved version, I hope it can be like this, On the wings of the updated mainland Chinese airlines, it looks like the A388 as shown in the picture, with the airline name added. Thank you very much! Another thing is that although the A380 has left the fleet of China Southern Airlines, it represents a microcosm of that era, and we hope to add B-6136 B-6137 B-6138 B-6139 B-6140 to the selection of China Southern Airlines A388.
Set these five numbers in the contract for choosing China Southern Airlines A388, allowing players to choose. This is a very meaningful thing, thank you very much


Unless there is a Large difference between one or the other livery, this will never happen


Slowly, in the future when updating the Chinese painting airline, I hope to add the name of the Chinese airline to the wings. The Southern Airlines A388 already has characters, so this should be possible.

This is just a hope. It’s a pity that the chubby guy from China Southern Airlines left so early. Let’s express our demands on behalf of those who love the chubby guy from China Southern Airlines

There is some aircraft missing though, like the Qatar A380, Iberia and Finnair A350 but I guess that be added when the new model comes out, IB A330 could add A346 if you wanted as they did use to fly in as well, LATAM Perú with either B788 and B789.