Game UI - Possible features/updates

Here’s my livery

Simple but in different colours probably will redesign it soon if it’s awful by the community.


It’s the bolt on painting app to Airlines Manager. I stopped playing as it consumed too much valuable WoA playing time. :rofl:

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Tranquility also has some stuff


I hope at syd they can add the city in the background like they have at SAN


You mentioned Play Store, I am using an iPad and it’s available in the Apple Apps.

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Would fly the Pony express and wouldd love to see us be able to do things like this.

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Pony express is a short range cargo airline lol


As someone who has like 5 SF34Fs at SXM, I can approve :laughing:


Fun part about these
it’s not even close to all of them
I would post them but we are already way too off topic. I may make a thread where we just share liveries, would fit better there


I would like to see a “one-click” option to have the maximum number of ground handling crew plus ramp agent assigned to a plane.
It drives me crazy to click 20 times if it can be done with just one click


This is probably the single most wanted ui change currently


Either that or something to indicate if you have a livery already in the WoApedia without exiting the airport and having to check manually.


Some people , like me, don’t want to use maximim staff as it will keep the planes longer at the gate to make it more realistic like in LHR. If you maximize the staff in LHR the airport will always stay empty.


Yes, can understand.
So there are three possibilities

  1. nothing at all / toggle automatic assignment off
  2. Minimum Assignment to stay in time
  3. Maximum Assignment incl. Ramp Agent
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:blush: xcuse me but I do not agree with maximizing the time of planes on the ground, if you want to have your airports full buy more contracts and you will see the difference, I manage my airports with 400 contracts and they always stop Always fill and buy ramp agents with 10 gold so that there is no shortage

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Sorry but that sounds terrible having 400 contracts.
And highly unrealistic


That’s not how that works. You eventually reach a point where you’re constrained by how fast you can land aircraft, even with using minimum ramp agents.


It is a game and I take it as such, everyone has their own way of playing, I respect yours and I hope you respect mine.

guys, everyone chill out, its fine if people play a certain way.


I hope that one day the airplane cards not only show the total amount earned, but also the total miles flown on the aircraft. i have a couple of jets passing through L for the 3rd time and i would love to see them hit 100.000.000 miles flown.