How do you get rid of regular?

Quiet a different topic (but not difficult to this forum), but is there a way to get rid of regular status, I just found out in now a regular and people are going to hate me for having regular status and I don’t believe it’s for me at all. So is there a way to get rid of regular status?

Idc if you have regular! You’ve been on the forum longer then me! And yet I have it


Don’t believe me? I’ll show you

Go to the menu (top right, 3 bars).
Select Inbox under Messages
Select Badges
Select Regular
Select the pencil next to text right
Select (none)
Save changes.


Why would people not believe you? Heck even I have it and you’ve been on the forum for a year longer than I have lol


Me to


Also I don’t think there is a single person that “hates” you on the forum


Yeah i mean what, weve had 2 disagreements which we’ve resolved! And honestly you one of my favourite people on the forum to talk with, i mean this just proves it:


Genuinely curious as to why you think that? I don’t think anyone would mind.


Just think of it this way, if i have it, then your more then good enough to have it
: p


(sigh) here we go again. I’ll make it super clear, over the past year or so I’ve done some really stupid stuff (even got punished) and getting regular is like having a reward which I would rather get punished more for all those things in the past.

Now would a mod please demote me from Regular to Member?

(Sigh) Let me make myself clear. There is no reason that you should feel like that you deserve to be demoted. You are one of the most important members of this community and you have made lots of impact on this forum. What a stupid question to ask for you to be demoted, you deserve the regular title more than most of the people that have it on this forum. Yeah you may have said some things that caused arguments or you may have had a disagreement a few times but so? Everyone makes mistakes and you should be proud for what you’ve done on this forum. I don’t ever want to see you post something like this again. @ukplanespotter757 you can probably close this now.


Eco, you and I were not always on friendly terms, to say the least. However, you publicly apologised and turned for the better. That says something.

And the “Regular” badge is awarded for your Forum contributions and the reactions from others to that. So, accept it and stay a positive contributor. :fist_right: :fist_left:


“Your past mistakes are supposed to guide you, not define you” - Ziad K. Abdelnour


I’m going to write this essay on why I should be removed from Regular and I hope you can get my point.

  1. The main reason why I want to get rid of regular status is because of all the stupid stuff I’ve done over the last year or so, eather that I’m hypercritical about a point and call them out, like the Realistic Routes from LHR or Israir A320 or I see a joke which once I said its not funny tons of backlash comes in, we can refer to the absolute nuke I’ve done to the LET410 and later on how dare you joke.
  2. Some of those stuff I’ve done I’ve have been punished for (mainly arguments and saying ridiculous things or once talking about politics) and honestly I’ve should have been punished more and more often every time I do something wrong.
  3. Here’s an obvious one, sometimes I have really bad relationships with a few users (I won’t mention them) which every time I say something pretty stupid I often get punished (often they flag me)

I’ll leave it here but honestly I’ve should have never joined the forum and since I used to be a regular before getting stripped away in May 2024 I often think I will never get it back but here we are me getting back to this status which I don’t belong here at all. And everyone gets punished now for minor things, that’s the world we live in.

And now I would like to have my regular status removed from me Permanently so please demote me from Regular, please?

Okay, technically it is your choice if you want to be stripped of your title. But you keep mentioning things that happened last year like the LE410 prank or the Israir a320 incident. I notice that you seem to always look down on yourself and want to continue to punish yourself. Punishments aren’t made just to hurt you. The whole point is to learn from the mistakes you’ve made. You want to keep punishing yourself for something that happened a while ago and that you already dealt with Am I Stupid?

You should be proud of yourself for regaining your title as you deserve it. But its your choice man


Exactly, and I’ve got no intention of removing a status from somebody who doesn’t need it removing. Issues in the past are put aside, and seeming there hasn’t been any lately I don’t get as to why someone feels the need to demand removing from a role, the contribution to the community earns you the status, not your past actions.


That sums it up perfectly


Right, please shut this down as I noticed it was a stupid question and I’m just getting annoyed more every time I read this.
Yes this was a stupid question, no I don’t want to be a regular, but I’m going to be regardless.


Im glad that you reflected on this Eco, @ukplanespotter757 as eco said this can be closed :+1:

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