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@HappyDumpling1818 , look what showed up at LEJ
The Fire Training place is right!
The other place is for engine tests!
It is very hard to see the nice pictures and not be able to play because an update is not possible.
Visit from a TUI Haribo 737! Shame we don’t have any regular TUI arrivals at LEJ. I’m sure they fly there?
The first steps at LEJ and it’s so crazy when you know the airport well.
Departure of my first operated planes based in LEJ
Fast work!
Orange Air welcomes it’s connection partner @JK737 first M plane at LEJ. With over 1300 connected planes at both MCT - BRI and MCT - PRG, the challenge is on again…
And Orange Air Cargo welcomes this @JK737 airplane at it’s shared cargo facility at LEJ.
Was supposed to come to “my” LEJ, I think. I had a connection failure when his planes were due.