LHR Pre-Release Discussion

Also, will LHR be free to play for existing players like sxm was?


It will be unlocked via sxm likely, and definitely not free

Sxm was free as a reward for waiting a year and a half for 2.0

oh :skull:
How many gp will it cost, so I can start saving

Start leveling up SXM? Logic follows it will be a few levels higher than the maximum level in SXM?

I haven’t been keeping up with the forum recently so I’m very confused about why you guys are talking about LHR. Is LHR already confirmed to be coming to the game?

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Yes, due to devs are concerned about the overwhelming interest in DEL and subsequent Unity licensing costs based on total amount of downloads, they have decided to postpone DEL project and then make LHR the next one.


Given that LEJ is 14… I will hazard a guess at somewhere in the region of 16-20 or unlock via SXM levels

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Guys heres a pic of development on the facebook Who knows what we cook? 👨‍🍳 . . . . .... - World of Airports

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Maybe seeing things that aren’t there, but are the red dotted lines on the screen right an indication of two full runway operations?

Orange Air Logo v2023 mini sig

I think both runways will be operational, probably 27L for landings and 27R for takeoffs, or they might add the feature when at LHR the runways change at 3PM e.g 27R for landings from 6AM when LHR opens, then at 3PM it would change to 27L for landings

i think they do that irl right?

They do switch in real life. What might happen (as they already do this with LEJ) is both runways might be available for both operations but might be split to certain terminals. 27L would go to 4 and cargo, 27R would go to 2,3 and 5 or they might split 5 operations if it balances the usage a bit. Unless they’ve updated the coding and pathway structure system however, I doubt we will see switching runways or options to.


where is the cargo terminal? didnt know heathrow had that

South of 27L next to terminal 4


ah, there



Wow, that was quick. They already got the model (from taimodels I’m assuming) and they already have gates up. This doesn’t mean it’s coming in 2.1 does it?

It’s hard to tell for sure, but it looks like the LHR will be the highest quality model in the game to date.

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Nope, LHR is 2.2 I believe. 2.1 is BRI remodel and tower manager I think?

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