Model Aircraft (Sharepoint)

Not a bad quote for the full terminal. Looking into a better terminal is something I’d like to do eventually, mostly for my proposed second airport I want to make at some point.


What I was thinking.

Excited for this when you do it.

Oh, its great that avgeekmodels will be at the lgw fair. I do hope he sells some gse and stuff, i will definitely get some if so

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Yeah same here.

Well i’ve put some paper on cardboard, now the papers think to wont break, currently making a UK airport.
Made the terminal:

Well done for today, busy the rest of it. I’ll probably order modelling grass Tuesday, then stick it on next Saturday or Sunday.


Just made one of these


What sould i make next

Fire station.

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Where sould i put it

I don’t mind

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Your fire station is coming

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Maybe you have it, but if not then you can add ambulance there too
From what I know most of big airports have them on duty


Thanks for the Suggestion!

OH I got the vrigin atlantic A330-900 aswell :slight_smile:

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Considering it’s been a bit since I last did something notable to my airport, I decided to work on landside. Got the approach road into the airport and a portion of the drop of area marked out. The terminal building has also been moved slightly further back and the Air Trains track has been shortened slightly to allow for part of the drop off area to be implemented and to allow some pavement in the Coach Park to be added in. Other wise it’s no different to last time other than some new models having arrived recently.


nice model collection and airport :+1:


Is that an avgeekmodels bizjet i see? Can you show a picture please?

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It is, it’s one of the Challengers. Got a pair of them and a pair of Gulfstreams. Haven’t got a better photo sorry, although I think I have got another photo with them in further up.


Oh yes, there the ones i have lol. In one of the pictures you showed the tail looked likevit has a different coulour scheme like a netjets one. But i guess not!

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This is what i mean

Also 1000th post on the model sharepoint!!