Does anyone know when MCT will be complete?
San was released on December. so more 4/5 months to go. Basically between May and June.
Don’t forget NGO was released in May, so it may well be next month going from previous airport releases.
But I know its gonna release mid summer.
Most likely it will be be finished around May (10-20), it was added to development page in december.
It’s now on the feedback portal for next update. Seems to be a tradition to have new airports in May and November.
Am so exited for a new airport!!
new airport means new connections!!
Me: Done only 100K people at NGO.
Others: Excited for new airport.
If you got enough golden planes then unlock san with the golden planes and then you can again try to get thw golden planes
Who needs golden planes when you get free passengers. And am working on buying of 787.
that’s your call I had done that long long ago in december
I had unlocked NGO and San together
and now I recently started with my L sized fleet with the A332
so for me it was a good idea to unlock all airports first and tjhen go for the golden planes
You can really just focus on fleet and not airports. I planned to do it by passengers only. And as I still don’t have enough money for anything.
I am focusing just on fleet from jan and will be continuing it further
So am I but got a late start and progress in now on hold.
FYI. MCT just got moved to the next update list (not take more time) and an Oman 332 + flydubai 738 have also been added to that list. Looks like May will be the answer to “when”… too soon to determine an exact date of course, but wanted to let everyone know if you haven’t seen the change.
And the million $ question is…
1 or 2 runways?
Poor you, I wanted to have developed San Diego before Muscat arrives.
it’s going to be 2 runways, confirmed on the feedback item
Knew it, it is even on Wikipedia that both runways are operational as of now.
This is actually awesome since I don’t have to worry about traffic jams on taxi-ways.
Also, when will we know about airports unlockable ar MUSCAT airport?