New Game Features

does anyone know if bizjets are still planed to come? They announced it mid last year but we haven’t heard any progress on it since
Screenshot 2024-01-27 184849


They are available as static objects at sxm

Considering the huge workload they have coming up (A350, A320 family, SYD, IAD rework), I don’t think private jets are coming anytime soon sadly.


Ya it says that in the screenshot. Im talking about the part where it said “at first” as static objects

Speaking of Cessnas, I’d like to see the caravan, then we can have the St. Barth’s Commuter out of SXM as well as DHL flights in time to time. But the commuter seems like 33-50% of the traffic lol


Add a snow effect to airports where there is snow on the ground and on the roof of buildings:


If this is photoshop (which I’m presuming it is) you are really good!


It’d be neat to see a few little snow plows running around too.


The more I look into flight routes, the more often I notice planes that stop somewhere to refuel. In particular flights from LHR to SYD or the A380 from DXB to CHC. What do you think about the integration of these “refueling stops” in WOA? That means we sign contracts for (at SYD EK412) refueling. The plane lands, taxis to the gate, refuels, no one gets out, no suitcases are unloaded and he takes off again. Of course, it would be even more perfect and realistic if the A380, for example, came from CHC and flew on to DXB and then vice versa. I have no idea whether this can be implemented in-game.


In the later stage of the game, players usually do not retain many of the orders for S parking bays distributed by the system. However, in the early stages of the game, players built a lot of S parking bays. I think we can introduce some business jet gameplay to allow players to unlock business jets in the later stages of the game, such as Some Gulfstream and Cessna aircraft receive VIP guests in exchange for high rewards. Use this gameplay to give the S parking space a new lease of life


Upon purchasing a new contract / new airline via (map contracts). I would like for there to be an option of changing/creating flight numbers (Two letter code / flight number(s), xx####) “change flight number? Or leave the same?.

Once a flight number has been created, that number cannot be changed, unless, the contract for that airline has been deleted. It would be better, to change flight numbers for any contract without any restrictions. But I leave that for the devs to decide.

It gives me the incentive to purchase more contracts, thereby giving me an opportunity to create real schedules, that replicates the real world air traffic.

This will make the gameplay more enjoyable. (In my opinion)

This new feature should be left as OPTION for players who don’t agree. But for players who want to experience the simulation replicating the real world, should be open to the idea.

Cheers. :beers::beginner::globe_with_meridians::flight_departure:


Speaking on contracts,

As someone who likes to play as close to real as possible, with certain models still missing like the 777-200 and 767.
Maybe a feature to swap contracts from let’s say the 777-300 to the -200 for a smaller fee than buying the actual contract and keeping the progress for that specific route. But it’s a one time thing to be able to compensate for the missing aircraft being added to the game later on

Idk if that makes sense.


The Main thing of airports is missing in this version of game. You can add the Schedule of Departures and Arrivals of Planes in game as soon as possible.


I think a more realistic turn around time would be cool especially if it can still play out while you’re not actively playing. I want my heathrow to have full gates. Each flight can have different turn around times based on the day or maybe if they have a delay and have to take up a gate space for longer it would make it more challenging. Or having them be towed to a stand to be worked on. Also the flight times should be a bit longer too. I want all of my contracts to have ability to land and not have to keep focusing on the same few every time i turn the game on.


Dear developers, plese make more places for spotting in airports.


I agree! Just make the required amount of handling crew lower so planes can take longer on the ground without being ‘delayed’ the feature is already in the game basically but they just made it not possible to do because otherwise you’d lose all your contracts


I personally really like the special liveries on my own planes, that’s why my main fleet is B789’s (Orca), A35K and A388 (both Zebra). So it would be cool if they added more special liveries based on special liveries from around the world.
These are a few examples of planes that have special liveries:


It would be good in a future update to be able to exchange wollars for silver planes, since I have too many wollars, it doesn’t matter if they give out few silver planes in the exchange.


I don’t know about you but the busier it gets, you won’t just have the same few to focus on…

But I agree to lower the amount of handlers so the time is increased to keep planes on the ground longer. Could even implement it in a way that it’s red when not enough, orange/yellow is just enough but running the risk of a delay and green as sufficient

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Just would be nice if timers were extended so we have the option to keep them on the ground longer if we so please, and maybe make things more interesting with layovers/RONs/towing etc.

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