I feel like this should really be added now since they made the hump on the a332f which was buid to stop the tilt but yet in game they are still both flat
That will likely be fixed when they remodel the a330 inevitably
A suggestion I think would really help the game is preferred stand option for each contract. It can be optional for each contract, but there can be an button on the card for you to choose a stand and that becomes the preferred stand. What it does is if the delivery manager is active the that preferred the stand is the one the manager assigns it to. Multiple contracts can have the same preferred stand, but only one can get it. The rest will be left to assign manually until that stand opens up again. If an airline that does not have stand preference is ready to land, the delivery manager will only assign it to stands without a preferred contract, or else it can be assigned manually. This feature would stop airlines from ending up at the wrong terminal. Why I think this would be better than assigning whole airlines to terminal is because some airlines, Like BA at lhr use multiple terminals for specific flights, so this feature will give player more control over each individual contract. What do you guys think?
In the real world, airports publish annual or monthly statistics about how many passengers/freight travelled to each destination and on which aircraft types etc.
In WoA, we already can see at every single airplane how many people are on board. Wouldn’t it be possible to generate cumulative statistics out of that? I’d love some insight in passenger/freight numbers per destination and the aircraft (types) that serve them most. Perhaps also the other way around, which destinations are served most per aircraft type.
Would love to hear your feedback!
I know I mentioned this a year ago but now we know that the airport select of the new ui will be kind of like a map radar so just imagine how cool would be just seeing all your active flights in the air on the airport select
what game is this Ui in?!?!
Woa new ui which will hopefully come with iad remodel
Wait that would be epic. You should email that to the devs
While looking at the maintenance area at SYD, with great modeling even though it’s not part of gameplay,
I had the idea of doing maintenance on AI planes.
Random contracts would have the possibility to be maintenance contracts, and you could follow the deterioration of these planes like you can with your fleet. When it reaches a point for a maintenance check, it lands, deplanes, and you assign it a maintenance stand where it taxis, you do the maintenance check and send it back to the gate.
Not particularly revolutionary, but a good addition (in my opinion) nonetheless.
Cool idea, I think it would be great to get a maintenance airport in the future, something like Toulouse would be awesome. Also what is the proper name for those circular engine test pads with the thrust deflectors?
I wish you could move aircraft from 1 airport to another.
That’s all!
New idea that would totally rework the game but what of instead of the current progression we currently have, what if there was individual continent progression, for example
North America
Yellowknife - San Diego - Washington
Innsbruck - Bari - Prague - Leipzig - Amsterdam - London
Kai Tak - Nagoya - New Dheli - Bangkok
South America
Sint Maarten - Sao Paulo
? - Sydney
? - Cape town
Middle east
? - Muscat - ?
This of course would require many more airports but I still feel like this would be a cool but unlikely feature
Maybe concentrate it a bit more?
Americas: IAD - SAN - SXM - YZF - SCL
Europe: INN - BRI - PRG - LHR - LEJ
Austrualasia/Africa: NGO - MCT - SYD - BKK - CPT
Perhaps there could be 4 regions: the Americas, Europe, Asia/ME, and Africa/Oceania.
Also AMS should go after LHR, because it will likely have 2 arrival runways + 2 departure runways, e.g. landings 06 and 36R, takeoffs 36C and 36L.
I have a new idea for custom filter tags for contracts. Like how you can filter to show only favourites, but add more that the player can use to manage contracts. It would make LHR so much easier, since you can add a tag for all T2 contracts, then show only T2 contracts when you assign stands, etc.
Hello i was wondering if they can add a pushback minigame
Already planned
Some possible ideas for Prague that id think would make It better:
1: runway reverse, if the runway direction was reversed it would make the flow much better i think because the taxi time would be shortened.
2: stand 14 being a triple jetway as seen below
3: stand 24 being upped to L size with a double jetway as seen below:
4: terminal getting S stands
Add wheel rolling details for aircraft taxiing on the ground to make the game more realistic. It’s not the translation of objects like this now
I didn’t expect this to be included in the plan. I’m looking forward to seeing a plane taxiing normally👏🏻