New Game Features

BRO! Firstly its Ryanair, secondly ryanair doesnt make bad landings all the time, all airlines make bad landingsšŸ™„


Agreed with @AviationA340-500 . Even though there is incidents from Ryanair none are fatal or written off that cause a hard landing although there are incidents that was from a Ryanair landing like this example

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I know, but there are lots of memes in internet with Ryanair lendings so I just jokeing. I have flight Ruanair in real life but I did not notice extrimely hard lendings. :smiley: It is just a normal low cost airline.

Dear developers, you missed an important feature: The doors on airbus320 airplains are not realistic. In real life they muves a side to open and it they should be the same color with airplainā€™s body.(watch 1st photo) The boeing 737ā€™s doors open like all normall doors so it muves for another side(watch 2nd photo). Please be carefull with these things!

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Airbus319 doors in game


Suspect this will be changed when the 320 is updated


This should be considered then as well for the 777 and 787


Sounds good, but A319 is already updated.

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Weā€™re talking about how the door opens in the game compared to IRL
The model, may be update but the door doesnā€™t open correctly


Tower manager same amount silver planes but extend from 15 minutes from 1st round till 1 hour on second round.

Round 1: 15 minutes
Round 2: 1 hour

or just made every tower manager active for just 30 minutes, so that we donā€™t need to waste a lot SP.

Not going to happen, due to requirements to keep clocks running Iā€™m afraid

Hey guys!

I think more than ever, people want to play LHR realistically. Could a potential game expansion include assigning contracts to a terminal? For instance, British Airways always taxis to Terminal 5, Emirates to Terminal 3, or United Airlines to Terminal 2?

This would allow users to fully utilize the Tower Agent while still taking advantage of automatic gate assignment.

P.S.: Iā€™m so excited to LHR!!!


I completely agree.

Iā€™ve said this before as well and would think the game could benefit from modes like free play and real play and this feature could be added in real play to make the game more realistic


Itā€™s probably been said but hereā€™s my list as a new playerā€¦

  1. An audible sound (flight attendant alert ding?) when a plane needs attention. Make this a separate audio toggle in settings so you can turn music and sounds off but leave alert sound on.
  2. Ability to disable a size option at a gate. Gates should be clickable and have settings associated.

Will we get see through glass gates for all the other airports that have glass bridges like MCT, NGO, and LHR(has some). LHR already has glass textures but you cant see the pax boarding. I know IAD is getting a rework so the jetway design will be fixed there but for all the other airports that donā€™t need a complete overhaul like SAN(except the cargo terminal is in the wrong place), NGO and MCT but just need their Jetway designs fixed(the little grey/black tube that connects the bridge to the plane is too long, and the small circular segment before that is too wide), will they also get a slight tweaking for the bridges like Bari did in august before the complete rework?


Something that could come to improve the airportā€™s nighttime appeal is add more light coming from the rest of the city. LHR for example looks kinda dead at night considering the fact that their is no light from inside the terminal(Considering there is no terminal interiors) and little scenery round the airport. In real life, LHR is surrounded by many highways and neighborhoods so those generate a lot of light. However in the game, there is not too much scenery around lhr. That being said the devs said they will continuously update lhr so that could be fixed. Things that could be added to fix this issue are cars on the highway, which would require more detailed highways because in game, sometimes where there is supposed to be an underpass the two roads just overlap, so maybe detailing the roads and highways can be added in during an update after 2.2.1 because that would take lots of research. Something else could be generic buildings and roads in the 3d scenery, kind of like INN and IAD because currently, the 3d scenery has nothing.


Im pretty sure @carlsberg72 has already explained this but why does a single jetway connect to the first door instead of the second on L planes?

An L plane at that very same gate is at the bottom of the image.


I do hope SAN gets a mini update and change the stand situation at Terminal 1. Make the S stands into M like they are in real life

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All the planes in that image are not in the game, and the B772 are sooo common at LHR irl, and just cant bare without the B744RRsšŸ˜„


Wow I just realized that