Real world Aviation (sharepoint)

Hey guys hey guys I found the plane that the delta a350 livery is based off of (I know it’s stupid but I thought I would share it)

For reference

All my hungry eyes see are the hand-breaded chicken sandwiches :drooling_face:

If you don’t live in US then you can’t get those I think.

Now I’m hungry

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Not at the airports/airlines but at home. Went out only 1 day and entire 5 months at home.

Who wants to buy an A340? Very cheap! Almost unused!

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For those who are tired of watching PRG livestream:

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I know this isn’t aviation but it’s too beautiful not to share sunset in La Grande, Oregon

Some shots of my trip BOS-SEA-PDX, the interior shot is of a Delta E175, notice the kink in the line of overhead bins, it is the same on the actual aisle, very strange


Isn’t the kink for business class?

It is, it’s just really odd to see it

:telescope:Sunday spotting at the airport for aircraft handling
Turkish Airlines B738 (TC-JHZ) from Istanbul (IST)


Freebird Airlines A320 (TC-FHG) from Antalya (AYT)

Okay but where were you plane spotting?

By the looks of it, Leipzig (LEJ).

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To be fair, I thought it was Köln/Cologne.

That’s Leipzig (LEJ). My home airport

that’s right

Vueling takedown in Barcelona Airport BCN.

Enjoy :blush:

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