Screenshot competition

Hey folks, it’s your competition host.

The current entries are really good! I’ve been enjoying seeing your screenshots, and I hope that more or you post some.

Here’s your 9 day reminder to submit images and vote on your favorites (remember, you can vote on multiple!)

But, I recently got messaged by Mr. @TomMordon
He says that the devs want to implement a reward to the winners!

Here are the rewards

1st gets 3 Gold Planes
2nd gets 2 Gold Planes
And 3rd gets 1 Gold Plane

So please, make sure you vote so we can have some Definitive winners!
May the best photo win


Think I got a better screenshot, so changing mine


SXM landing shot only I believe.

Please follow the prompt, your submission is not eligible to win this competition, however you may submit something along the prompt to be eligible

Thanks for pointing that out, imma be honest I never noticed it

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Don’t mean to rush anything, but am I understanding that the 9 day warning meant there was 9 days left? If so, is the competition over now, as it has been 11 days?

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Yes I completely forgot about this because work has been a pain for me
I’ll gets the winners in ~10 minutes time

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Hey folks it’s your competition host
Seeing as this month was the update, a good amount of people submitted images and I am happy to announce the winners!

1st with 6 votes is…
@Bluebird with this image

And what about 2nd?

@Plane_Enthusiast with this image

And then 3rd is, @boruberry with his image, while landing (I have to ask, did you butter it?)

@TomMordon will be around to distribute awards I beleive, thanks for participating

Now for the next competition
I’ll get to it later, I’m tired, and I need a shower.


How will the prize system work? Your work does sound like a pain, hope you get some good sleep!

I’m assuming Tom will message you at his earliest convinience but I’m not sure, that wasn’t discussed

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No, I didn’t… :sweat_smile:

Hello! All winners please send me message with your nick in game. I will forward it to devs to assign prizes to your account.
Congratulations to winners!


Above comment

Alright folks let’s get another competition going

The rules are known
Picture must follow the guidelines, votes are based on likes, etc. If you are unsure of the exact rules you may refer back to the previous competition announcement

And now for this month’s theme:

I have no idea what to do this month so you guys get a freebie this month
Any airport.

And remember, we have rewards now!

1st with 3 golden planes
2nd with 2 golden planes
And 3rd with 1 golden plane

Now good luck! Submissions close the 31st, voting ends 24hrs after that.


Only one please


Entry for new competition:

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Oh ok, sorry