SYD - Post release discussion

Yea I meant in game mb

How dare you bring up how dare you!


Can we please give up with “how dare you” the mods don’t like when the topic is starting to become how dare you



I mean you were the one who brought it up in the first place and all


Yes but I did it cause I can’t believe people are saying this all because I mentioned ACE (Lanzarote) which is not in game yet. Such a stupid thing I said.


Evidently, you have once again missed people trying to have a laugh with you and taken it too seriously…


No, I was attempting to make people laugh but i don’t want more drama from unfolding. And that LET410 meltdown yes that was the worst I have done. I don’t want to start an argument but I think you get my point.

Back to SYD discussions now shall we. Put all this in the past and carry on.


As for someone who (still) hasn’t unlocked Sydney yet what other airport in game would you say it is most similar too?

Id say Nagoya:

One main terminal with many L/X/M/S stands

Has smaller terminal with many M/S stands (like the M/S stands in the airfield of NGO)

Main L/X/M/S terminal uses only one of the runways.


MCT, the 2 runways one for takeoff and one for takeoff and landing are an absolute nightmare, in the past (before 2.0) it was 2 runways one for landing one for takeoff. I don’t play MCT that often anymore.
LHR is also a pretty poor decision in my opinion, cause airport barely gets busy without flooding the airport. The best 2 cadadents are MAN because of its unique airport layout and good cameras (at the South Runway and at visitors park) and DUB cause of it’s size which is not too big but not too small about the size of PRG and for its location cause it the heart of Diversions and special arrival. (For example: USAF VC25-A or Uzbekistan 787 or Jet2 737 into DUB)


Its kinda its own duck, but there are a few that I think are apt comparisons:

MCT – miserable runway ops with a runway that does both takeoff and landing.

NGO – poor connectivity to player airports as well, as well as ratio of L/X stands to M stands (but NGO is nicer because of its large cargo and more X stands).


Runway is like MCT but gameplay like ngo and probs best taxi map in the game


You missed Gatwick, one of the busiest single runway airports in the world.

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Looking on Flightradar around Sydney airport and spotted this flight, so definitely need this route when the Dash 8-200 comes out, also that’s a long trip in a Dash 8-200 over 1hr 30mins.


I would prefer this over LHR but I think it is now WAY to close to do it.

Could see this coming as I remember someone saying that LHR and MAN are a similar distance to that of PRG and LEJ.

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Both MAN and DUB has been suggested before and both are popular, MAN is good, pretty good design, and layout however they have some issues for example of congestion especially the part I have highlighted

And also they would need to add an event at the visitor centre where rides, and shows are there.
For example, when I visited Manchester visiter center in 2018 there was a car show and a TAS show where you can pickup models.

Ironically enough little did I know at the time that I would almost bumped into @ukplanespotter757 as he was also there as well. What a coincidence

DUB on the outer hand, is further then LHR and is also possible for more M aircraft into IAD and SXM but they also suffer congestions especially Pier B, T2 and South Gates where I have highlighted

They also need to find a way to Code the North Runway and 16/34 as 16/34 can be used as a taxiway and landing and takeoff during very high winds, and the North Runway as they have a restriction from 7:00 to 0:00 due to them requiring to fly over towns which people are not happy and there is even propaganda going around of some lads making a video which was designed to tarnished Planespotters.
But it’s a great airport for events as more than 1 aircraft per month land into DUB.


Not sure if anyone knows about this, but Taimodels have made Manchester for flight sim. Whilst it’s an airport I can’t see being added, it’s an airport which you can’t exactly close the door fully on either.

And without sounding arrogant (:joy:), my MAN suggestion post is one of the most liked for suggested playable airports I believe, and it’s an airport which has been mentioned quite a bit.

Also the bit you highlighted is actually the aviation equivalent of a passing loop, at the compromise of the stands there not being functional.


Imagine if I came back and watched the premier League match between Man United and Liverpool :joy:
And yes that suggestion is very very popular, more popular than my DUB suggestion. :slightly_frowning_face: