SYD Pre Release Discussion

Normally devs will add them even QF retired them, I suppose.

B744 is a good example to look at. Similar to B717 it has very limited number of active operators right now so many carries used this plane before were featured.


Also the model doesn’t exist in game yet. Hopefully we get a good variety of Liveries - especially on The old and New Qantas models, and Jetstar.

No testing of anything underway at the moment

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How far off do you think we are

Weeks still. They won’t send an airport out for testing until the infrastructure is complete to a point that is workable and I don’t believe we are there yet. They might surprise me, but I doubt it

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So your saying that their are a couple of weeks until SYD is tested? & I think the posibiltes of SYD coming out won’t be until I’d say Mid July or early augest

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I think it will come out even later than that if testing is still weeks away. I’d say september, october.

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I’m not saying a couple of weeks, that’s why I don’t like to say timelines unless I know them, because this is what happens.
People assume a timeline based on a single word.
Weeks can be anything, could even be months. Honestly I don’t know. But there’s nothing immediate happening that’s for sure.


Tomas Murdock said in December. We just have to wait and this was not told to us in the group of players that we have and it is a great source since it works closely with the developers.

What did he says about Thomas Murdock…

Bro @carlsberg72 just said that nothing is certain yet
And if what you are saying is true, can you show screenshots

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Good things take time. At least the quality will be great like the previous airports. I know some ATC simulator game that releases 1 airport each month and the quality is absolute sh*t.

Uatc releases 1 airport every like 3 years and the quality is still sh*t😂


Wow UATC, used to play that game a lot. I think that game ceased already. No update for a year or something.

No, devs were away playing on something else apparently, but they are back and working on new updates apparently

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Stop insulting UATC Seriously :rage:


The publication is from a month ago and you can find it. This publication was made in World of airports Brazil, when one of our fellow players announced when Sydney and Thomas Murdo would be launched.He commented in December and as we see that they have already started to paint the liveries of the Sydney planes, it seems that this will be the case but we know that the developers sometimes give us surprises

I’m sure a link to said source would be appreciated by our fellow forum members. Just saying you can find it isn’t exactly useful.


It was just a joke I actually play and like uatc too


It’s Tom Mordon