Tons of new leaks - dev chat

With this, the update is probably within a day or two.


It’s normally immediately after the live stream


Yep! I’m not betting on that only because we don’t have all liveries yet


As @Thatflyerguy said, we still need the a320/321ceo liveries and the a321prf liveries (possibly even the a320p2f but that is not confirmed iirc)


A320 p2f no reason to assume that’s coming, and I figure they haven’t done all liveries just cause it’s so time consuming to post 300 posts with 300 liveries


After the A320,which plane will be updated??(Just saying so that I’ll create a post,also please don’t say all thre the CRJ,Dash 8 and 757,this won’t help at all,tell me the first of the three planes that will be remodeled after A320)

They mentioned the CRJ would be next, then 757 after that


Thank you!Now if i only i can find out why can’t i post anything on general discussion.
Nevermind!One discussion has been locked.I’ll see you all at CRJ Remodel!

Those three are likely the next to be remodeled, but we won’t need threads for those for months cause we don’t open these threads usually until the first round of aircraft screenshots starts


I honestly don’t know!
Luckily for now,i can still modify,so that probably means this:
I know that you want me to delete the thread!
But as of now,the only thing i can do for you is to edit the name and the discussion starter!I’d like to kindly ask you these 2 things:
1.Stop replying.Make a GD and tag me,prob i’ll see you(we’ll be called pepole that like to argue if we continued here)
2.Please don’t make me repeat myself on what i just said.For now all i can do for you is to edit.Would you like it if i would be editing the CRJ Remodel subject??
Thank you!
Update:I kind of didn’t know who i was talking with and didn’t understand the situation(and i’m sorry for this),but that still doesn’t change my decision on the CRJ Remodel GD part.The only thing i can do for @Thatflyerguy is to either edit the remodel or make sure @carlsberg72 locks my post until the first pictures of a random aircraft remodel comes out.

Update is coming soon, within hours or at most a day. They are waiting approval from Apple Store/Google Play but will be available soon! (As per their live stream)


Do not ask for a crj update, it would be good to join together and ask for the update of the B747-8 and freighters

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The CRJ remodel has already been confirmed as one of the next ones?


Crjs are happening regardless of anything, just have some patience and the rest will be done


Welp we are passing one month since a devblog was promised to be “very soon” :\

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Viendo la manera en cĂłmo estĂĄn trabajando los desarrolladores pienso que la prĂłxima actualizaciĂłn serĂĄ entre agosto o septiembre
Ya que después de la llegada de LHR a los dos meses anunciaron con imågenes la actualización de la familia a320 así que pienso que serå así la mecånica de las actualizaciones cada dos o tres meses. Y algo presiento que Syd serå lanzado como LHR a finales de este año.

Typical. I see complaints about devs not giving information on future developments and at the same time complaints that bugs aren’t solved quickly.

You can’t have both, I think.


Please read:

Language part 


Do you know if we will be able to use more/all rwys at IAD when it will be remodeled.

I’m not complaining about anything.