WIKI - Questions / Requests for clarification

Другой игрок не управлял вашими самолетами. Если это продлится дольше вас следует искать другого партнера по связи.

Такое лучше с тем кого знаешь. Потому что разные таймзоны, а то они пришлет тебе, а ты спишь, и все айлюлю, пролетели мимо, а самолеты максимум могут висеть в ожидании до 4 часов.

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I’m seeing planes handled by players at airports not open to players and screenshots of airports not open to players, do other airports open after a player reaches/opens Muscat?

Every airport opens in stages, starting from INN. You can ‘unlock’ the next airport after reaching the passenger number goal for the airport you are on, however, you also unlock airports using a certain amount of Gold Planes.

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No, I would like to wonder where you got this info, as I’ve never seen this

I don’t get how unlocking destinations works. I have unlocked Dubai for X planes and I can see Emirates in Arrivals slot but Emirates planes never come to my airport despite having X stands…

Could you post a screenshot of your X slots screen for Dubai? And maybe one of your X stands with the crane :building_construction: button on?

Who said Dubai was coming??? There’s been nothing but a single leak, but it was for the liveries, maybe it was just a backdrop, never assume dude, it leads nowhere

We’re talking about Dubai as an unlockable destination from one of the playable airports.

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Doesn’t look like it, the way you put it it made me think you were talking it becoming playable

For what it’s worth I read it as asking for help with your Dubai connection from an existing airport.
You sound to be doing things right- although a screenshot of the connection (arrival / departure slots) would be useful

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As you know, when we unlock destinations, we unlock one tier at a time. When they say

it means they have unlocked the X tier for Dubai slots from whatever airport they’re playing.

As you also know, the game allows the player to view the departure/arrival slots for one tier of one destination at a time. So when I say

there’s no way I could be talking about Dubai as a playable airport. And when I say

I’m talking about a stand at the airport they’re playing.

Anything still confusing?

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Alright makes more sense

How do I get the achievements that require you to handle planes in a single player connection to different airports. The stat is not going up for me no matter what I try

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You’ll have to connect with a player (you can find a connection partner in connections & co) and sent the plane to him after he accepts the request (you send him a request by typing his in game name in the connection menu). The counter goes up whenever one of you two handles the plane of the other. You’ll have to handle 100 planes to finish the connection and get your reward(both the planes you handle and the ones your partner handles count so if you handle 50 of his planes and he handles 50 of your planes the counter is at 100) it’s also important to note a connection is one time only. So you won’t get another reward after handling 200 planes.

I have over 10 stands available for S/M planes to handle, but at any given time, I only have 3 to 4 planes at the airport with “No arrivals available”. How do I get more arrivals to come and fill my empty stands?

Buy more arrivals. Button on the tip right with two destination arrows and squiggles line between them

Check out this video I made that tells you many of the reasons you are getting No Arrivals Available and how to fix it.

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How do I earn golden planes? Can silver planes be used to purchase airport equipments?

Golden planes can only be bought by real money. The silver planes can be earned by level up on an airport. You buy the equipment with the ingame money ₩ (Wollars).