Bug Reports for version 1.4.3 release only

Please use this thread for reporting new bugs that have appeared as a result of the release

This thread will be open for 1 week only and will automatically be locked.

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A380 Reverse Thrust is not Activating

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A380 rear door is in the wrong place

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Can confirm this

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At IAD, the “My Fleet” won’t sort by distance properly. It only does least to most, not the other way around. Also, it said better fps, but I have same graphics settings and am getting worse fps.

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after update color indicator bug

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Kind of like @meteoricwretch16. The maintenance list only goes one way at NGO for me.

Edit: It is for all airports that I currently have: INN-NGO


NGO and SAN Connection are missing (from LEJ)

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ERJ-170/175 's thrust reverser are not activating since version 1.4.0., please check and fix them.

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There is no more detailed list down of the achievements. Checked on airports from INN to NGO.

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Just an update.
As checked again, the list of the achievements is back.

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This button is not working

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In what way. Your planes are listed in maintenance order like it’s supposed to with that button

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I have two photos in my post above that shows proof of this.

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I can confirm the DHL A332F is present at MCT. I saw it on the LEJ connection. I’ve also seen it on the NGO - HKG connection as well.

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Just opened the game and realized that there has been an update which is always exciting but also im sad now cause i seem to be missing Airplanes and cant figure out why. My new A380 i just bought in PRG is just gone the same with different airplanes i bought over time at my other airports.

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Lights on the A332 have become misaligned and now sit above the windows.

Also noticed the Ethiopian B738F is still missing, as well as the old livery Lufthansa A380.


Having issues at SAN where planes are passing through one another

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Good to know. But the connection to LEJ is missing!

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