New Game Features

SAN also has BCS3 of Jetblue as I have one :slight_smile:


As does SXM

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Ah I see, thanks. Thatā€™s still a lot of new stuff. The tower manager and IAD rework sound most interesting to me, I wonder how itā€™ll be done.


I just hope IAD will be modelled like it is in real life, thatā€™s most important IMO

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Iā€™m curious how they will do it. Having all runways active would be awesome since the airport just never fills up, but Iā€™m not counting on it. Itā€™s missing a few gates, and a lot of them are in the wrong spot. C/D gates should have a few L stands, and they could add the new terminal as well

Ok folks, you are probably not going to like this but itā€™s time to get off the ā€œairport never fills upā€ issue. That is entirely to your control. It depends on how much patience you have.
If you have little to no patience or time, then yes your airport will never fill up because your throughput is higher. From landings through to handling to out the other side. Constant handling will keep the numbers of flights low on gates , because of the timingsā€¦ however there are a couple of things you CAN do to improve it. patience is one, but handler management is anotherā€¦

Most go for max speed with most handlers. Not saying everyone but itā€™s natural to do that.

For many aircraft you can get away with one or two handlers less than max. Especially cargo. This does 2 things, gives you more handlers to work on more planes. 1 handler reduction on 6 planes gives you another 738 to work with for example. Also it slows down the time of handling so your aircraft stay on stand longerā€¦ and thus fills up your airport more. Then you can hold aircraft on stand before you release them for handling. Clock doesnā€™t start until you hit that pesky ā€œstart handlingā€ button. Finally the only other constraint is the number of equipment items. So if you have a large number of handlers, time patience and management techniques your airports can look a lot busier. To help with management and if you have some spare handlers you can always use the auto handle feature if time between estimated (system time) and actual time needed is right, sure costs you some W and a handler, but at least you wonā€™t have to make a decision at the end as to whether to have a red check or pay for green by flipping SPā€™s. Remember, to complete a contract you do not need all green checks. As long as your slider view does not dip into the red you will not lose the contract and if it stays in the green you will be given the option to level up.

For example. At SAN, General throughput has you at around 6-7, careful management can get you up to 12-15 and holding aircraft Iā€™ve had up to 22-23 on stand before I decided to start work on themā€¦
It can be doneā€¦ just needs patience, which I know is hard for many in a go go world. But with a bit of thought and planning it can look a lot better. Even with the existing mechanics.


This is how Iā€™ve always played the game.

I never use max handlers for an aircraft (unless I run out of time or a specific aircraft needs max handlers to operate like the Dash 8 and ATR 72) and rarely use the automated handler and it still doesnā€™t get me a full airport at airports like IAD and MCT and even SAN.

Iā€™ve learned to not handle aircraft right away either which gives some space for planes to build up. I do stand by the fact that handling times are short and the day goes by quickly which is something thatā€™s been brought up as a different game mode possibility in the future. This is an example of how busy Iā€™ve gotten SXM for example

But also being patient doesnā€™t help with leveling up and you need to do that in order to get more contracts/handlers, unlocking airports etc.

Iā€™m not saying every gate has to be occupied simultaneously either because thatā€™s also unrealistic in its in own, but there is a slight emptiness in certain airports like Iā€™ve mentioned before.

This is me filling up SAN and then handling a few flights at a time and once 1-2 so far along, continue with another few and so on and get some in to replace those readying for departure

I think us as fans of the game are just trying to come up with some kind of middle ground that benefits both us as the players and the developers IMO


Thank you for that breakdown, I was already not using max handlers but I didnā€™t learn until recently that the clock doesnā€™t start until you physically start handling. Iā€™ll have to try that.

My issue is that the handling times for some aircraft are still unrealistically short, but thatā€™s simply my own perspective as an airport worker. I like the idea of an arcade mode/realistic mode but thereā€™s a lot for them to work on already.


Agreed as a fellow airport worker

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Thats trueā€¦but some runway systems at some airports do need improvements.

Iā€™m all with you. The handling time I set to use for the minimalist time still gets me mad coz it is way tooooooooooooo short! I personally think every plane should be handled in a green-timer for at least 30 or 35 mins+


This is why a ā€œreal time modeā€ was proposed
Because I can imagine some people donā€™t wanna sit and wait to handle planes in real time

So thereā€™s a option to switch from Real time to speed up?

We as fans have requested it

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I would love the option to auto renew connection contracts. i have a fairly large fleet and it would make it a lot easier to just ā€œupgrade/extendā€ the same contract rather then sending a ā€œnewā€ request.

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If it possible, it would be nice to see how many people are online.

With the idea of handling times being really short, what actually happens if all your flights are late and the satisfaction level drops? Why canā€™t I just put 1 handler on each plane so they stay longer?

if the satisfaction level is too low, the contracts terminates itself :skull: